How many gallons of hot water does a shower use?

adelaide water tanks

Information about aprtanks water tanks: Australia has the world's lowest annual rainfall. Water tanks are a great way to store and collect rainwater. Rainwater harvesting makes sense in many ways. Rainwater is easy to collect and provides a source of clean, potable water. If local water supplies are cut off or water restrictions are imposed, rainwater tanks can be used as a backup water source. These tanks are often used in areas without water or where people need water at their fingertips.

APR Tanks are available on-site in Adelaide, South Australia. We have many designs, colours, and sizes of tanks in stock.

We created this handy guide to ensure your tanks last as long as possible.

Rainwater tanks help conserve groundwater and municipal water, which is vital in drought-prone regions. Rainwater tanks are a great way of harvesting rainwater to use in your home, garden, and farm. Rainwater is completely free and you won't need to depend on municipal systems. Rainwater harvesting can be environmentally friendly. It also helps to boost water conservation efforts in the region and nationally.

We are proud that, as a family-owned company, we have been servicing Adelaide's rainwater tank industry for decades. Our longevity is something we are proud about. We will always be there to help you if there are problems in the manufacturing process.

Aprtanks' tanks, products, and other items are available throughout Central and Eastern Australia. Manufacturing plants can be found in Orange, NSW Innisfail (North Queensland), Terang, Victoria, Adelaide, South Australia.

adelaide water tanks

Frequently Asked Questions

A 55- to 65-gallon storage tank will usually be sufficient for one to three people. Three to four people can use a medium storage tank. For four to six people, a large tank is suitable.

Boiling. Boiling is the best method to purify rain barrel water. It kills parasites, viruses and bacteria that can cause diarrhea.

Rainwater is naturally free from chemicals and other additives, but you need to maintain a clean rainwater tank to ensure that it is safe for drinking. You should be aware that rainwater can collect impurities in your tank and on its journey down to the clouds.