How much water do you need to survive for a year?

slimline poly tanks

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Each of us has a responsibility to protect our precious natural resources. Water is one such resource and we must make sure that it is used wisely. Rain water tanks help reduce stormwater run-off that can pollute our rivers and lakes. Water harvesting reduces the pressure on our natural and artificial water sources. Additionally, water harvesting can reduce the need to construct additional desalination facilities that could have severe consequences for local ecosystems. These desalination plant can release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by using huge amounts of energy.

APR Tanks, located in Adelaide, SA, AUSTRALIA. As a result, we are able to offer a large variety of designs, colours, sizes and types of tanks that are always in stock.

aprtanks can manufacture a wide range tank sizes and shapes to best suit your space and water requirements. The storage...

slimline poly tanks

Frequently Asked Questions

Rainwater can be contaminated by harmful bacteria, parasites, and environmental pollutants. Drinking it can cause illness. Rainwater can be made safer by boiling, filtering and chemically treating it.